Saturday, 24 April 2010


The frogspawn mentioned in my earlier post has now all hatched producing hundreds of tadpoles. The two images show only a few of those now in the pond. They become very active particularly on warmer days when the sun is shining. At present they appear to be thriving by eating the algae on the pond lining but I don't think that will last. I doubt that there will be enough sustinence to feed them all. From research it appears that developed tadpoles eat boiled lettuce so I'll try that when they become bigger.


Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Marsh Marigold and Wood Sorrel

While I was out with the dogs a few days ago I noticed that the Marsh Marigolds (right) and Wood Sorrel (left) were blooming well. Both were seen on the Hetton Bogs site close to the footbridge on the path from Broomhill Terrace.